Friday, November 17, 2017

The Bus by Paul Kirchner

Brilliant, absurd, surreal, and hysterical! I think this is one of my favorite comics by far. The humor reminded me a lot of one of my favorite books "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams. It is the same absurd and dark humor that "The Bus" by Paul Kirchner uses.  Hitch Hikers guide first book ends with the earth being destroyed in order to make way for a trans-galactic highway, to me this wait forever past your death for a bus to arrive way to late is the same dark absurdest comedy.

I don't have much to say on this comic besides that I really enjoyed reading it and I wanted more after I was done. So I went and found more.  these are two videos inspired by the comic. the first of which is a short animation taken directly from the comic. it is just a moving version, most if not all of the frames where taken directly from the comic. the second video is... well I don't really know there was no description but I thought it was silly and you might get a giggle out of it, so enjoy.

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