Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers

Absurd, offensive and hysterical sums up my feelings about the "Freak Brothers".  It is a tale of three brothers that only real goal is to get one hell of a good hit.  This leads to mayhem and hysterical  events, sepecally when they have my quorums with trick or hating other to get what they want. In one of the story one of the brother gets hunger after a hit, but there is nothing in the fridge. So after crashing his brothers out with a butcher knife the brother run down the street and into a local midnight grocers.  One of the brothers tricks once tucking in his hair tricks the owner, telling him he is on candid camera TV.  The grocer believes him, and lets the hunger brother completely trash his story and eat everything in sight. The two other brother take what every they can stacked tall on the tummy of the brother who ravaged the shop and run off into the night.  Its at this point there is a whole page of the store owner looking shocked and waiting for the "hidden camera man" so come out.  It is at this point it the story I personally had to stop and go back because it was just such a bad joke.  Between the hair being tucked in, the hystarical faces and get timing for the jokes. It was quit a fun read. :)

1 comment:

  1. This really sounds like a fun comic, a sort of mischief I can really get behind. I can't quite understand why this is in an underground comic, this seems like the sort of humor that I could see in a newspaper or such, but I suppose it's in the extreme lengths it goes that's not quite okay to show to a younger audience.
